Our MultiSensory Area - Magic Room

The Multi-Sensory room is a room full of enjoyment and fun where the students are able to explore through their senses. We are so lucky to have this community funded room onsite.

Students from Ruru, and other Southland schools are able to access our Multi-Sensory Room as are others with diverse needs.

The Multi-Sensory Room is used mainly for three purposes

  • Relaxation
  • Real Life experiences
  • Innovative Interactive cause and effect

The “Magic Room” environment can be altered to provide stimulation or relaxation depending on the needs of the individual student.

It is a very positive environment which can impact hugely on student positive behaviours.

The Magic Room provides an excellent space to reinforce the current curriculum focus, as our individual student programmes are essentially designed by the students for students .

Students enjoy controlling their own environment thus ensuring positive interaction.

Students love their time in the Magic Room

Ruru Specialist School Magic Room

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19 Ruru Street
Invercargill 9810

Salford School
110 Lamond Street, Hargest, Invercargill

Donovan Primary School
200 Drury Lane, Grasmere, Invercargill

Verdon College
210 Rockdale Road, Invercargill

Southern Institute of Technology
160 Forth Street, Invercargill

(03) 21 59379

